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PANA August 25 GMM "Crazy little thing called Brand Love"

PANA is once again extending our GMM invitation to all of you!

"Where is the love?" A perennial question we ask our consumers and the puzzle we hope to answer in the 8th PANA GMM “"Crazy little thing called Brand Love" as we listen to the brand love experts.

McDonald’s Philippines’ Corporate Relations Director, Adi Timbol-Hernandez will talk about "Building Brand Trust to Build Business" while Germaine Reyes, CEO/President of Synergy Market Research will share "Creating Brand Love in Challenging Times". This session will be moderated by Ken Lerona.

Join us in another learningful discussion in our virtual GMM happening on August 25, 2022, Thursday, 12nn via PANA Facebook LIVE.

Please “like and follow” the PANA Facebook page to catch the livestream.

This session is FREE, so make sure to invite all your colleagues, fellow learners and anyone from your team who might benefit from these talks.

See you all on August 25!

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